Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hold on to your shorts...

I missed the debate, the kids really wanted to watch American Gladiators and I figured they were roughly equal in format so I chose gladiators.

The futures for the Dow show the biggest drop since 9/11. Hold on kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the formats were very similar. They should just dress these candidates up in red white and blue tights, give them some padded weapons and let them decide the nominee that way. Or, maybe put them on an island with Jeff Probst. Survivor DC!

Martini said...

I have the worst timing... I bought 20 shares of a company the DAY before the first drop. Now I'm thinking I caused it all. My wife always blames me for everything, so it makes sense. :)

Anonymous said...

It was sort of like a cross between a normal debate and Blazing Saddles.

Lee Ann said...
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Lee Ann said...

I missed it too. I am sure you can catch a summary of it on CNN though.
oh yeah.... will you send me some of that snow? I want a snow day :)

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

I don't have a TV, but I streamed it on my computer. The news acted like they really slammed each other, but actually they were quite cordial, especially in the second half when they sat on chairs and it was informal.

You're a good daddy to watch the movie with your kids!

Celebration of Life said...

I had my grand daughters over last night; we watched Super Nanny! LOL

thephoenixnyc said...

At least there isn't any racism in AG.